What is Dental Bonding? Here’s What to Know

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Your teeth are powerful by nature, and, for the most part, they will dutifully serve you for life as you chew, bite, and laugh. So why are they so resilient? It comes down to the fact that the enamel on your teeth is one of the strongest parts of your body.

With that said, if you suffer from bruxism, tooth decay, or excessive acid levels that erode your enamel, your teeth are much more prone to chipping. With the use of dental bonding in Kitchener, fragmented teeth can be repaired and shielded from further harm.

But is this the best course of action for your situation? Let’s read on to discover more.

Dental Bonding

If your tooth has been chipped or otherwise damaged, it can be repaired using dental bonding (also known as teeth bonding). This treatment also involves filling in the crevices between teeth, hiding discolorations, and reshaping a tooth so it appears longer and more uniform. The bond used contains composite resin to repair the target areas.

The composite colour will be similar to the shade of the tooth. But why opt for tooth bonding if you just have a tiny chip? While many individuals focus on their smiles the most, restoring chips and cracks is essential for your oral health. It facilitates proper chewing and stops harm that can jeopardize the well-being of adjacent teeth.

Reasons for Getting Dental Bonding

Those who have little damage to moderately damaged teeth can go for dental bonding treatment. If more of your tooth is more damaged as initially expected, you may need a crown or an implant. With a porcelain crown and an implant, this treatment will replace your tooth and also root.

Additionally, individuals who are already happy with the colour of their teeth are the best candidates for dental bonding.

If you also wish to brighten your smile, be sure to talk to a dentist near you about doing so before you proceed to get tooth bonding. If you subsequently whiten your teeth, the colour of your real enamel will lighten, but the colour of the bond won’t.

The Dental Bonding Process

If a filling is also necessary or your dentist wants to significantly alter the shape of your tooth, dental bonding near you is an in-and-out technique that doesn’t even involve anesthesia. In case the tooth is close to your nerve, you could additionally need anesthesia because the unpleasant repair operation might bump the nerve.

Choosing a composite resin colour that matches your tooth as closely as possible is the first step. To ensure that their decision is sound, your dentist will consult a chart. The dentist will then get ready to fuse the composite resin to your natural tooth. They begin by putting a bonding agent on top of a rough surface. The composite and liquid have an easier time sticking to the rough surface.

The composite resin is then applied to the damaged area, where your dentist in Kitchener molds it to correct the damage. The UV light is then used to drive everything.

It is okay if you do not think it is perfect the first time. Your dentist can still further shape the tooth after the resin has dried.

Visit Us!

Before obtaining your bond, you should also be satisfied with the shade of your teeth. If you’ve always wanted to whiten your teeth before your bond, discuss the options with your dentist. Do you want to practice your smile? To find out more about our cosmetic dental services at Laurentian Dental Centre, get in touch.